This week Stockholm takes a stand for sustainability with the festival The Stockholm Act. The festival runs from today Monday August 22 through Sunday August 27. The Stockholm Act brings together art, science, business and politics to collaborate and mobilize around the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development.

The Stockholm Act
The Stockholm Act

The opening ceremony will take place at the Stockholm House of Culture & City Theatre at 1 pm today Monday. Amongst others you can listen to Gunhild Storadlen, Johan Rockström and Isabella Lövin. The opening ceremony is open to everyone and you can reserve your seat here.

Some fashion highlights this week will be Houdini Morning Hangout – rooftop yoga and neuroscience lecture at 7 am on Tuesday. Also, don’t miss the Care and Repair event and Fashion Flea Market by Electrolux, Houdini and Make it Last at The Nordic Museum on Thursday and Friday. Representatives from Electrolux and Make it Last will be speaking at the opening on Thursday, August 24 at 12 pm, together with Pauline Ström Gunnér of the Swedish Fashion Council. See the full schedule here, and remember that all events are admission free!

Care and Repair
Care and Repair

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