Tomorrow, the 24th of April marks the start of 2017 Fashion Revolution Week. The organization Fashion Revolution started after the horrible accident on April 24th in 2013 when the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed. 1,138 people died and another 2,500 were injured, making it the fourth largest industrial disaster in history. There were five garment factories in Rana Plaza all manufacturing clothing for big global brands. The victims were mostly young women.

Fashion Revolution wanted to make sure this could never happened again and by spreading the word and implementing radical transparency they are determined to change the condition for factory workers all over our planet. Fashion Revolution is encouring consumers to ask the question: Who made my clothes?

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Don’t forget to participate by taking a photo of the label in your clothes and ask the brand who actually made your clothes. Tag your photo #whomademyclothes and post it to social media. Consumer power is stronger than you think!

In many cities around the globe there will be events to mark the importance of transparency. For example, in SoFo, southern part of Stockholm, there will be an open shopping night where participating brands will hosts talks on production methods and clothing care. In Lund there will be a giant clothing swap. To learn more abut events near you, klick HERE.

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Content and pictures and borrowed from Klick the link to learn more about the organization and what you can do to support.

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