For those of us who didn’t have the time or money to participate at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit last week there was the live stream option. Many of the talks were somewhat generic. I’m longing for actual innovation and tangible change! Nevertheless, American jewelry brand Tiffany and Co surprised me – in a good way.

As acting CEO and chairman of the board t Tiffany and Co. Michael J. Kowalski is a powerful man. Tiffany’s is one of the most iconic brands within luxury jewelry and they’ve done a great job marketing the tiny turquoise box as the perfect gift. Using the power of their brand Tiffany’s did something amazing on Tuesday the 11th of May. They took out a full-page ad in the New York Times just to send the following message to president Trump.

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Being an American icon as Tiffany this is a bold move. At Copenhagen Fashion Summit Michael J. Kowalski was asked about the reasons for this ad. He said, ”When you have a leader who denies the threat to our planet is real you have got to speak up”. Furthermore he said that Tiffany received a large number of complains from people saying, “You shouldn’t go in to politics”. His simple and brilliant answer was, “This is not politics, this is science!”

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